Discovering Your Authentic Self: Empowering LGBTQIA Clients Through Music Therapy

Explore the transformative power of music therapy for LGBTQIA individuals seeking to embrace their authentic selves. Learn how music can help navigate challenges, promote self-expression, and foster healing in various stages of life, from questioning teens to families in grief and individuals facing terminal illnesses.

Using Music To Help You Express Your Personal Narrative

Everyone has a story. Every experience we have in life contributes to our life story. These experiences help create the personal narrative we tell ourselves, whether consciously or subconsciously. Sometimes these personal narratives are positive. And in these cases, we can look back at ourselves and our lives from a place of contentment or pride. […]

Caregiver Self-Care Through Music: Getting In Tune With You

The Need for Caregiver Self-Care Caregivers providing long-term care for others have a great need for effective self-care practices. Last week I wrote about some of the difficult feelings caregivers can experience when providing long-term care to someone. Today I’m going to talk a bit more about the importance of caregiver self-care. Specifically, I want […]

Personal Means of Evidence in End-of-Life Care

As I addressed previously in this blog post, there are a variety of ways that music can be used to enhance a person’s sense of health and well-being. Likewise, the practice of music therapy itself is incredibly diverse, with music therapists working from different orientations including: humanistic, psychodynamic, and music-centered, in addition to behavioral, medical, […]

Using Music for Complicated Family Grief

Recently I wrote about grief and complicated family dynamics. In it I suggested that the death of a family member with whom you have a strained relationship can bring up conflicting feelings, while also presenting you with the opportunity to more clearly define what kinds of relationships you want to experience and to examine how […]

Saying Goodbye Through Music

“Goodbye.” What feelings, thoughts, images, or experiences come to mind when you see that word? Depending on the context, “goodbye” can take on a lot of different meanings. “Goodbye” can signal a temporary parting, or it can represent something more permanent. And when it represents a more permanent situation, saying goodbye can carry bittersweet feelings. […]

State of Presence, State of Mind

This last week found me in contrasting, yet similar situations- both of which required being in a present state of mind. Typically my week is filled with making hospice visits to older adults diagnosed with illnesses such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), Adult Failure to Thrive, and/or some form of […]