Music Playlists: Creating Soundtracks for Making Changes In Your Life

Whenever we start a new year, we often find ourselves making resolutions and goals. This is fine if it works for you, but it doesn’t have to be January 1st to start thinking about what you want to achieve. There are probably plenty of changes you want to make in your life. The real question […]

[Video] “How the Brain Develops During Adolescence”

Adolescence is a time when a lot of things change. Everything seems to be changing. Teens’ brains are one of those things that are changing. In this educational video geared towards teens, I talk about what’s happening to their brains during adolescence. I also offer some tips at the end for how they can better foster healthy connections within their brains.

Teenagers and Music

The Experiences of Teenagers Do you remember what it was like to be a teenager? I think many of us tend to remember the teenage years as being a difficult or awkward time. It was difficult because we didn’t exactly know who we were, other than we weren’t sure if we wanted to be who […]