Create Positive Change In Your Life Through Music Therapy

When individuals seek therapy, they embark on a quest for transformation and positive change. In a previous blog post, I delved into the power of curiosity and acceptance in facilitating change during therapy. Now, let’s explore the impact of music therapy on the change-making process. Understanding Change Change is akin to the cycle of a […]

Gain the Whole Health Benefits of Singing

Did you know that there are a variety of health benefits of singing? [1] The thought of using one’s voice to sing can bring up a variety of feelings for a person. For some people, it’s something that they enjoy. Or at least it may have been enjoyable in the past to sing. Whereas for […]

Telling Your Story and Creating a New One Through Music

We all have a story. Every experience we have in life contributes to our life story. These experiences help create the personal narrative we tell ourselves. These narratives we tell ourselves can be conscious or subconscious. Regardless, they affect our beliefs and our actions. Sometimes, our narratives about ourselves and our lives are positive. And […]

The Dance of Communication: Ways Music Enhances Communication Skills

Our world is brimming with words. And we, as humans, need to convey information and be understood by others. Because of this, communication is the cornerstone of human interaction. Our ability to express our thoughts, emotions, and ideas effectively can significantly impact our relationships and overall well-being. Traditional methods of improving communication skills may often […]